In a nutshell I wanted access to the raw jpg files that the server should offer.
Watching the Raw Video Stream
The following URL allows you to watch the mjpeg video stream.
Here’s an example php script to extract the 4 video inputs into 4 image files. Be sure the device to set to round robin mode.
<? // readstream.php // // by Richard Camp // rcamp at campworld dot net // Copyright 2006 - 2018 // All rights reserved // // There is no warranty. Use at your own risk. // NOT FOR COMERCIAL USE. Personal use is fine. // // INTRODUCTION // This script parses the stream form a IP Camera 9100 (A) for jpgs. // Set the camera server for round robbin mode and all 4 inputs. // Include the script in your script to generate the files. // ex. include('readstream.php') // // User provided parameters $camurl=""; $imgpath="./"; // directory where to store images $fname="img"; // image file name without extension $log=1; // debugging / log flag $maxcams=4; // max cams 1-4 // global values $maxloop=200; // max images to read from the stream $portoffset=14; // ofset into jpg for cam port num $imgfile=$imgpath.$fname; // image file name $camnum=0; // camera number // // start of script // if ($log) echo "readstream.php starting\n"; // open the stream to the video server if ($log) echo "opening stream $camurl\n"; $fvid=fopen($camurl,"r"); if (!$fvid) { // cannot open mjpeg stream if ($log) echo "cannot open stream $camurl\n"; } else { // We are connected so start reading data if ($log) echo "connected to $camurl\n"; $r=''; // read a number of images from the stream and // save them to files for ($loop=1; $loop<=$maxloop; $loop++) { // read the stream until 2 boundaries are found // if ($log) echo "reading data\n"; while (substr_count($r,"--WIN")<2) $r.=fread($fvid,256); // get the start and end offsets for the jpg // and extract the image if ($log) echo "extracting jpeg\n"; $start = strpos($r,"Content-Type: image/jpeg")+28; $end = strpos($r,"--WIN",$start); $frame = substr($r,$start,$end - $start); // get the camera port the image belongs to $cport=bin2hex($frame[$portoffset]); $cpnum=ord($frame[$portoffset]); if ($log) echo "image is for camera port $cport hex $cport\n"; if (($camnum==$cpnum)&&($camnum<$maxcams)) { // save the image file if (file_exists("$imgfile-$cport.jpg")) { if ($log) echo "removing old file\n"; unlink("$imgfile-$cport.jpg"); } if ($log) echo "saving image file $imgfile-$cport.jpg\n"; if ($fimg=fopen("$imgfile-$cport.jpg","wb")) { fwrite($fimg,$frame); fclose($fimg); } $camnum++; if ($camnum==$maxcams) $loop=$maxloop; } // we need the remainder of the buffer after the second // boundary. it contains the start of the next image. $r=substr($r,$end+1); if ($log) echo "\n"; } } fclose($fvid); if ($log) echo "readstream.php complete\n"; ?>
Here’s another php script that reads the mjpeg stream and lets you select which cameras to extract images from, which cameras to flip the image horizonntally, and the creation of thumbnail images.
<? // readstream.php // // by Richard Camp // rcamp at campworld dot net // Copyright 2006 - 2018 // All rights reserved // // There is no warranty. Use at your own risk. // NOT FOR COMERCIAL USE. Personal use is fine. // // INTRODUCTION // This script parses the stream form a IP Camera 9100 (A) for jpgs. // Set the camera server for round robbin mode and all 4 inputs. // Include the script in your script to generate the files. // ex. include('readstream.php') // // User provided parameters $camurl=""; $imgpath="./images/"; // directory where to store images $fname="img"; // image file name without extension $log=0; // debugging / log flag $loadcam[0]=1; // set to 1 to retreive image for cam 1 $loadcam[1]=1; // set to 1 to retreive image for cam 2 $loadcam[2]=1; // set to 1 to retreive image for cam 3 $loadcam[3]=1; // set to 1 to retreive image for cam 4 $camflip[0]=1; // set to 1 to flip image horizontally for cam 1 $camflip[1]=0; // set to 1 to flip image horizontally for cam 2 $camflip[2]=1; // set to 1 to flip image horizontally for cam 3 $camflip[3]=0; // set to 1 to flip image horizontally for cam 4 $thumbs=1; // set to 1 to create image thumbnails $thumbwidth=160; // width of thumbnail $thumbheight=120; // height of thumbnail // global values $maxloop=200; // max images to read from the stream $portoffset=14; // ofset into jpg for cam port num $imgfile=$imgpath.$fname; // image file name $lockfile=$imgpath."readstream.lock"; // lock file name // // start of script // if ($log) echo "readstream.php starting\n"; // create the log file $flock=fopen($lockfile,"w"); fwrite($flock,"Locked for update"); fclose($flock); if ($log) echo "Lock file created.\n"; // open the stream to the video server if ($log) echo "opening stream $camurl\n"; $fvid=fopen($camurl,"r"); if (!$fvid) { // cannot open mjpeg stream if ($log) echo "cannot open stream $camurl\n"; } else { // We are connected so start reading data if ($log) echo "connected to $camurl\n"; $r=''; // read a number of images from the stream and // save them to files for ($loop=1; $loop<=$maxloop; $loop++) { // read the stream until 2 boundaries are found if ($log) echo "reading data\n"; while (substr_count($r,"--WIN")<2) $r.=fread($fvid,256); // get the start and end offsets for the jpg // and extract the image if ($log) echo "extracting jpeg\n"; $start = strpos($r,"Content-Type: image/jpeg")+28; $end = strpos($r,"--WIN",$start); $frame = substr($r,$start,$end - $start); // get the camera port the image belongs to $cport=bin2hex($frame[$portoffset]); $cpnum=ord($frame[$portoffset]); if ($log) echo "image is for camera port $cport hex $cport\n"; // if we have not saved the current cam image then process it if ($loadcam[$cpnum]==1) { $newfile=$imgfile."-$cport.jpg"; $tmpfile=$newfile.".tmp"; $thumbfile=$imgfile."-thumb-$cport.jpg"; // save image into a temp file if ($log) echo "saving image file $tmpfile\n"; if ($fimg=fopen("$tmpfile","wb")) { fwrite($fimg,$frame); fclose($fimg); } // flip the image horizontally if it is marked to be flipped if ($camflip[$cpnum]==1) { if ($log) echo "Flipping image horizontally.\n"; exec("convert -flop $tmpfile $tmpfile"); } // move temp file to final image file if ($log) echo "Renaming $tmpfile to $newfile\n"; if (!rename($tmpfile,$newfile)) { unlink($newfile); rename($tmpfile,$newfile); } // create thumbnails if the flag is true if ($thumbs==1) { if ($log) echo "Creating thumbnail image\n"; $myimg=imagecreatefromjpeg($newfile); $iwidth=imagesx($myimg); $iheight=imagesy($myimg); $tmpimg=imagecreatetruecolor($thumbwidth,$thumbheight); imagecopyresampled($tmpimg,$myimg,0,0,0,0, $thumbwidth-1,$thumbheight-1,$iwidth,$iheight); imagedestroy($myimg); imagejpeg($tmpimg,$thumbfile.".tmp"); if (!rename($thumbfile.".tmp",$thumbfile)) { unlink($thumbfile); rename($thumbfile.".tmp",$thumbfile); } } // mark the camera number as processed and exit the loop when // we have all the images. $loadcam[$cpnum]=0; if (($loadcam[0]+$loadcam[1]+$loadcam[2]+$loadcam[3])==0) $loop=$maxloop; } // we need the remainder of the buffer after the second // boundary. it contains the start of the next image. $r=substr($r,$end+1); if ($log) echo "\n"; } } // close the image stream fclose($fvid); // remove the lock file unlink($lockfile); if ($log) echo "readstream.php complete\n"; ?>
Getting Access to JPGs
I wanted to get the raw JPGs from the video server. This would allow me to put the images up on my website. It took some digging but here it is. Below are the URLs for the image file.
Changing the Video Channel
To get the different video images you’ll need to use round robin mode or change the video channel. The following url changes the channel.
M=the channel number 0-3
Getting the Video Channel you are on
What channel am I on? The following url shows you how to get the channel number.
Configuring The Device For Round Robin Mode
Here is the information on setting the camera into round robin mode. Use the following url.
Here’s a table with the values for C1-C4
Video Input | Off | Selected |
C1 | 0 | 1 |
C2 | 0 | 2 |
C3 | 0 | 4 |
C4 | 0 | 8 |
For example I want to use cameras 1 and 3 in round robin mode.
So M=256+1+0+4+0=261
Changing the Camera Resolution
This is the quick easy way to change the camera resolution. Use the following url.
N=the following
0 – 176*144
1 – 352*288
2 – 320*240
3 – 640*480
Change the Image Compression
Below is the url for changing the image compression level.
x = the following ratio
0 = low (image size 18.2kB)
1 = high (image size 25.2kB)
2 = medium (image size 27.2kB)
3 = clarity (image size 30.2kB)
4 = motion (image size 34.7kB)
Get the capabilities
I’m still working on this one. Here is the url for getting the camera capabilities.
I hope these notes help you out.