Build a Small 5V and 12V Power Supply with Optional PIC Programmer


I needed a bench top power supply for prototyping PIC microcontrollers. I also had my PIC programmer looking for a home. Well combining the two together created a nice piece of equipment.
The PIC programmer is an old parallel version.  It can still be useful for many people.  I have upgraded to a USB version these days.


This is nothing more than a PIC programmer kit mounted on top of a power supply. You can buy/build the PIC programmer of your choice. The programmer gets its power from the power supply.
The power supply provices 5 volts at 1 amp and 12 volts at 1 amp. When plugged in the power supply powers up the programmer. The front switch controlls a relay which supplies power to the front terminals.


The schematic lists the part values. This is a standard power supply design based on the LM7805 and LM7812 voltage regulators.

Right click on the image to view/save a full size version


Here’s some pictures of the inside of the power supply.


There’s nothing better than a PIC programmer built on top of a bench top power supply. Just add a prototyping board and a computer and you’re good to go.

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